If you are just visiting our website or are new to our church, we’d like to connect with you! Please fill out some information below, and we will reach out to you.
In need?
If you are currently experiencing any hardships, whether financial, spiritual, or emotional, please do not hesitate to reach out to our LFCC Diaconate below. We are here to serve the needs of our church community. Please rest assured that your privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. You can confidently reach out to the Diaconate team without reservations.
Please reach out to Elder Peter Ong ( to receive the form.
Community Groups
Community Groups (CGs) are small gatherings outside of Sunday worship where individuals can build personal relationships with one another while practically applying the gospel to their lives. CGs are where we strengthen our identity in Christ and learn how to love others as Christ instructs us in the Gospel. We also believe that CGs are the easiest way to get plugged into our church and to get to know new people.
CGs meet across the greater Queens area throughout the week. Here is a list of groups, locations and meeting days.
Interested in joining a Community Group? Fill out the form at the top of the page and we’ll answer your questions or get you set up with a group!
Wednesday (7:30-9pm)
Douglaston — Ming Cheung
The age range of our group is from 30’s to 70’s. Most are married with children. Our group is super dynamic and diverse. We have health care workers, pastors, teachers, and other professions. We love to share our spiritual journey and life experiences over light snacks during our meetings. Our group welcomes all who are hungry and thirsty spiritually and physically.
Thursday (7:30-9pm)
Great Neck — Ken Ng
Our group just started—so we welcome all to share in this journey together. We like to focus on the Word, fellowship and prayer.
Friday (7:30-9pm)
Forest Hills — Dennis and Martha Lew
Most members have children who have graduated college, in college or in Youth Group. Children are welcome to come though. We love to eat, pray, study the bible and fellowship.
Flushing CAC — Alan Cheng
Most members have children who are part of the Youth Group so this CG tries to meet wherever YG is meeting. Open to everyone who enjoys a balance of Bible study, prayer and fellowship.
Flushing — Peter Glus
Bayside — Dan Chun
Age range is from 30s and upward. Many members have young children who hang out together during Bible study time. People trickle in starting at 7:30 and enjoy a cup of tea and snacks while sharing about their busy week. Bible study starts at 8 and ends promptly at 9 for those who need to pick up youth group students. Fellowship is every fourth Friday of the month. We welcome all who have a heart for Christ and a love of fellow Christians.
Children’s Education Ministry
At our LFCC Children’s Education Ministry (CEM), we provide a safe place on Sunday mornings where the Gospel is taught. Children are reminded that they are both beautiful image bearers and broken in sin and in need of the saving grace and love of Jesus.
As a community of faith, we include our 3rd to 5th grade children in corporate worship which starts at 10:30 in the main sanctuary. Before the sermon begins, our older children are then dismissed from service to go to their own small groups for Sunday School.
During the academic year our TYKES (2 Year Old to PreK) learn about God as a covenant maker and keeper through the Lead Me to Zion curriculum. K to 3rd graders go through a Bible survey curriculum, and our oldest 3rd to 5th graders go through lessons on The New City Catechism to help prepare them for a public confession of faith through Baptism or Confirmation. All children, toddler to 3rd grade, begin their Sunday downstairs for a large group time before beginning Sunday School. Quarterly, we have what we call "Family Worship" where all the children join corporate worship as well as Easter and Christmas.
For the summer months, our children focus on lessons about the order of worship and we hold a VBS program.
We do have elevator access to accommodate children who have physical disabilities. And we are committed to working with parents whose children have special needs. Please consider speaking with our staff and/or volunteers to help us understand how we can best serve your family. If you are visiting for the first time, please consider reaching out to our director, before your first visit. *
*Church can be a particularly challenging environment for families whose children have special needs, and we want to remove barriers in order to help families enjoy regular worship together. Whether your child has developmental delays, learning challenges, autism spectrum disorders, anxiety or severe allergies (to name just a few special needs), we welcome them at our LFCC CEM believing firmly that everyone is “fearfully and wonderfully made [by God],” (Psalm 139:14). With your help, we will work to make every child’s experience a fruitful blessing.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry of Living Faith Community Church exists for the glory of God to be magnified through the lives of middle school and high school students. Students are discipled through the preaching and teaching of God's Word, singing Christ-exalting songs, fellowship, small groups, missions, retreats, events, and more.
Our youth group meets during the school year on Friday evenings, where the youth of our church along with their friends gather regularly to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We regularly meet at the Chinese Alliance Center (43-29 162nd St, Flushing, NY 11358)! Contact our director, Peter Kang at if you have any questions.
women's ministry
The Women's Ministry of LFCC focuses on engaging one other through prayer and accountability. We meet on the 4th Saturday of each month to share about our lives, and to pray for our church and for the community around us. We are currently undergoing a women’s discipleship series using Philippians as a guide.
Additionally, our ministry seeks to keep each other accountable via weekly prayer request emails. We also organize various social events throughout the year for the women of our church to get to know each other better.
men's ministry
LFCC's Mens Ministry consists of a group of men in our church who take interest in growing together. We are men who are concerned about the gospel and how it shapes and molds us into God's image. Men from all walks of life leave their pride at the door and come to the group seeking accountability, encouragement and brotherly love.
We meet on the third Saturday of each month to have breakfast together and pray. We require that attendees make a one year commitment to foster continuity and community. We also host an annual camping trip in the fall which is open to all men of our church.
Faith @ Work Gatherings - Faith @ Work Gatherings gather the whole congregation for worship, teaching, and fellowship over work. We believe that coming together as the Body of Christ in worship is a vital element for connecting our Christian faith to our work. These nights will typically include testimonies, panel discussions, and vocational break-outs.
Vocational Groups - Vocational groups will be seeded in the Faith @ Work Gatherings. These groups will bring together men and women based on a shared field of work. We hope that one day vocational groups will grow into independent gatherings where Christians can share frustrations, celebrate triumphs, pray for one another, seek the will of God in his Word, and pursue justice & mercy in their work field. We believe that gathering with others in our fields will deepen fellowship, embolden and sharpen prayer, and help us ask better questions of God and his Word.
Commissioning - We are in the process of designing a process whereby Living Faith will publicly commission members of its congregation for their work. In doing this, we will proclaim the truth that all legitimate work can be done in response to the calling of Christ and should be understood as "full-time Christian work."
Faith & Work ministry
The Faith & Work Ministry at Living Faith aims to seed and cultivate a rich Christian vision of work. We want to empower men and women to realize the fullness of their Christian identity at work. Our hope is that we will all see our work as an essential place where we can serve the Lord Jesus, express the gifts and abilities he has given us to steward, serve our neighbors, and be salt and light for the common good.
This vision has given rise to four elements:
Theology of Work Class - This six session class exists to educate our congregation on the splendor and beauty of the biblical view of work. We desire that everyone in our church family, youth to elderly, would lay claim to the truth that (a) we are created in the image of working God and created for good works, (b) because of this our work is an important component of life's meaning, purpose, and blessing (and a place which is deeply impacted by sin), and (c) our work is also where we glorify God and love others.